Last weekend, during the days 21, 22 and 23, took place in Antequera " SECOND INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF ROCKS FLAMENCO "organized by the Federation of Málaga Flamenco Clubs in order to continue analyzing the current situation of flamenco clubs and draw conclusions relevant to the future of these projects. This edition of the conference was held in the town of Antequera with a fairly large number of congressmen who discussed the various issues raised by the organization:
• Operation of flamenco clubs.
• Flemish artists and activities on the rocks.
• The media and the rocks.
The opening of the conference table was made by D. Paulino Plata Cánovas (Councillor of Culture of the Junta de Andalucía), D. Banner Salvador Muñoz (President of the Diputación de Málaga), D. Millán Ricardo Ruiz (Mayor of Antequera), D. José María Segovia Salvador (President of the Confederation of Andalusian Flamenco Clubs) and D. Diego Perez Castillo (President of the Federation of Peñas de Málaga Flamenco). The ceremony was also attended by Doña María de los Ángeles Carrasco (Director of the Agencia Andaluza del Flamenco) and Doña Carmen Pena (Councillor of Culture of Antequera). They all agreed on the importance of flamenco in our culture and the important role that they occupied rocks for the maintenance and dissemination. Also, the Minister of Culture announced significant actions that depart from the Andalusian aimed mainly to bring flamenco to schools.
then the many guests enjoyed a wonderful lecture given by the poet from Granada D. Luis García Montero was on the close relationship between flamenco and poetry, both the most popular author was born almost illiterate (the first flamenco) as the author of the stature of Lorca, Alberti, Machado, Rosales ... ... ... .. The end of the conference was very emotional when remembering García Montero the recently deceased singer Enrique Morente who devoted much of his artistic life to interpret different geniuses poems rhyme.
On Saturday morning the first papers were presented, one by D. Viedma Francisco Vilchez (President of the Federation of Peñas Flamenco de Jaén) entitled "Flamenco Heritage and Flamenco Clubs: club members responsibility movement.") The speaker made a tour yesterday and today of the flamenco clubs and stressed the importance of these in the framework flamenco. He also expressed the need that the Public Administration take the necessary measures to that flamenco does not fall into the hands of the free market for fear of the loss of authentic cultural values \u200b\u200bof the purely economic benefit. As for the financing of the rock, highlighted the importance of Public Administration from the rocks to help both economically and by providing all the management processes for requesting aid, local municipalities must give appropriate and contribute to maintenance; The Andalusian must protect Flamenco Clubs declared "Cultural Heritage", the other paper by D. Juan Garcia Chapman (President De la Peña Flamenca "El Piyayo" Rincon de la Victoria (Málaga), entitled "Financing of the rocks Flamenco" coincides with the previous regarding the importance of the rocks in the flamenco stressed the absolute need for social involvement with their club. As public institutions, is necessary early in the year assigned to each rock fixed quantities, according to its path of activities, and facilitate the process to reach them, are could channel between the Confederation Andalusian Flamenco Clubs and Andalusian Flamenco Agency. As to the premises or offices, municipalities must provide it to the rocks as cultural entities are.
then formed the First Round Table, with the theme "Rocks", composed by the President of the Confederation of Andalusian Flamenco Clubs, Presidents of the Federations of Jaén, Córdoba, Huelva, Extremadura and the President of the Rock "Ardales Castle."
In this table we can highlight the main conclusions:
1. Importance of sentences in the work in the conservation, dissemination, education and so on. of flamenco.
2. importance of management of resources, both human and financial.
3. widely shared, almost unanimous, bureaucratic obstacles to access grants, should conform to the functionality. Most clubs give up on the request to the institutions, denying it, by the difficulties of the bureaucratic process of it.
4. Importance of the Peñas teaching in schools, work should support the relevant institution, Culture, Education ... providing the necessary resources and including the flamenco in the school curriculum.
5. present are invited to reflect, if the clubs are attractive to youth. Keep looking for mechanisms to attract the interest of young people if they get some rocks, the question would be to find the right formula.
Afternoon Lecture was presented by D. Andrés Cansino (Professor and flamenco guitarist) entitled "The relationship between artists and flamenco clubs." It reported its inception linked to flamenco clubs and stressed the importance of these for all artists in their early career and for du. Andrew said that in general, relations are very good but always depending on aspects personal. He also went on to say that among the club members and the artists must be respect and mutual understanding. Scenarios must see fit, as far as possible, so that artists can work best: improving, especially, pagers and tablaos for dancing.
Then, in the roundtable "Flemish artists and activities on the rocks", made by D. Antonio Fernández Díaz "Fosforito (Llave de Oro del Cante), D. Andrés Cansino (Guitar), D. Isidoro Perez (Guitarist and President of the Federation of Granada), D. Jerome Roldan (Secretary of the Confederation of Andalusian Flamenco Clubs), Doña Susana Lupiañez "La Lupi" (Dancer), Mrs. Virginia Gámez (Singer) and D. Miguel Navarro (Coordinator of the School Song and Artist of the Federation of Manchester) discussed the relations of the artists with the rocks and drew conclusions similar to those of the previous paper:
1. There was unanimity that there is no gap between the rocks and entertainers, relations are good, what happens is that circumstances are changing and as they grow artistically and professionally I have less time to visit the rocks and relate to them.
2. There must be understanding between the clubs and artists.
On the morning of Sunday, D. Red Gonzalo Guerrero presented his lecture "The press and the flamenco" in which revealed that the traditional flamenco, and with rare exceptions, not only aroused little interest in the media but had very bad press "addressing in particular to highlight the" negative "aspects of the cultural world. Today not much has changed the situation and flamenco remains the most overlooked, and sometimes mistreated by the media who prefer commercial and monetary concerns local news front of flamenco.
Later in the roundtable "The media and the rocks", made by D. Gonzalo Rojo (Journalist and Critic Flamenco), D. Antonio Núñez Romero (President of the Federation of Peñas Flamenco de Cádiz), D. Valero Francisco Vargas (writer and critic Flamenco) and D. Juan Perez Cubillo (Advisory Flamencology University of Córdoba) were taken, among others, the following conclusions:
1. That flamenco news of the rocks are not interested in the media
2. must be made to see the media Flemish news if attracting a large audience, which we ourselves (350 rocks, with two hundred members on average are only about 70,000 people in Andalusia)
3. Only digital magazines publish virtually everything they are sent.
4. There is a need to create an information service to the media since the federations themselves and try to involve the media in our activities.
With the presentation of the findings put an end to the II International Congress of flamenco clubs between the congratulations of the Organization of Congress, and courage to prepare the next edition with new topics of interest for Flamenco Clubs.
between paper and presentation, between panels, on the night of Saturday, the delegates and other attendees enjoyed a wonderful concert of song, by Andres Lozano and Antonia Contreras and Lupi dance and flamenco.
Conclusions of the Roundtable "Media and the rocks"
1. the media has globalized and therefore the news of a local or provincial power lost in the media.
2. There is a need to create an information service to media from the federations themselves and try to involve the media in our activities.
3. Try give ideas to the media (TV) to be undertaken a program or a series advised by a representative of the confederation or clubs, dedicated to historical and contemporary flamenco.
4. Make see the Flemish news media if a large public interest
5. are digital journals that we publish virtually everything they are sent.
6. There is a need for all clubs have access to these means
Conclusions of the Round Table, theme: Flamenco Clubs:
1. Importance of sentences in the work in the conservation, dissemination, education and so on. of flamenco.
2. Importance of the rocks as an area of \u200b\u200bstudy and artistic training of young people and the school song, the results support the need and importance of them.
3. widely shared, almost unanimous, bureaucratic obstacles to access grants, should conform to the functionality. Most clubs give up on the request to the institutions, denying it, by the difficulties raises the bureaucratic process of it.
4. Importance of the Peñas teaching in schools, work should support the relevant institution, Culture, Education ... providing the necessary resources and including the flamenco in the school curriculum.
5. present are invited to reflect, if the clubs are attractive to youth. Keep looking for mechanisms to attract the interest of young people if they get some rocks, the question would be to find the right formula.
QUESTION: Are you aware artists that the rocks continue to be the first showcase for them to know?
1. Normally if they are aware of this and know it is very important
2. While they understand the importance of the rocks, it is also normal that these require a minimum of conditions to the rocks
3. There must be understanding between the clubs and artists.
QUESTION: Does artists interested in the rock? Why is there a gap between the clubs and artists?
1. There is near unanimity that there is no gap between the clubs and artists what happens is that the circumstances are changing and as they grow artistically and professionally I have less time to visit the rocks and relate to them.
2. . The approach has come for the friendship and respect between both parties.
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