"analyze things rationally only through the prism can plunge us into an endless maze of footpaths. Intuition, however, able to find the shortest route to the essential."
If you ask what are the virtues that help to live fully, most people respond, for example, that optimism, love and friendship, intelligence and capacity for reflection, a sense of humor ... Few will remember the intuition, and yet it is the fundamental quality that surely lies behind all others, it is used to integrate effectively, which occurs both in the physical environment in the deeper layers of the unknown and mind. So it is considered an effective interior minister, which clarifies the doubts difficult times and help make the right decisions to achieve major life goals. Somehow
intuitive people have a special ability to perceive the more subtle messages from outside, store them in the unconscious and taken into account in a timely manner. That is, effortlessly realize the significance of small gestures, the nuances of voice, looks or attitudes of people with whom they interact. That allows, for example, attempts to discover the fraud or making a proposal at the right time.
The gift of learning without realizing
German psychologist Angelika Faas, who studied for more than 20 years this "special gift", defines it as "the principle of implicit learning," as people keep it intuitive Throughout his life an open mindset that allows them to accumulate information always end up insulting them useful. The peculiarity of these people is that they also have the ability to distinguish information that is not important. Thus, a chess champion can not compete quantitatively with a computer when evaluating moves, but your intuition helps you quickly pre-select the most effective ways. According
Faas, this quality becomes critical in modern times, where the data available to a person twice in a few years due to increasing presence in the daily lives of media, computing and continuing education . For this reason a growing interest in intuition, which has been fashionable among corporate executives and movie stars Demi Moore, for example, has prefaced the book effective Intuition, Laura Day, and Sharon Stone is a consultant to improve. In the United States there are even television programs and websites that explain the advantages of intuition and how to develop it.
A feature of the deep mind
But intuition is not a modern discovery or a superficial fashion. Can be understood as something that goes far beyond the effective management of information from an intelligence insider. All indications are that is based on layers unknown deep mind. Carl Gustav Jung said that intuition is one of the four functions of the psyche. The first is the perception, thought the second and the third the sentiment. The fourth, intuition, the individual remembers where he came from, the experiences, the foundations of one's personality and suggests ...- where to go to fulfill its vital mission and fully realized. It is therefore the most important tool to guide us in life.
But where does the wisdom of intuition? Why be trusted? The unconscious is the source of drinking intuition. It consists of everything you know but what are not aware, what has been forgotten, repressed or simply do not have this, "what you feel, think, remember or desire but no intention or attention, with the instincts that govern their needs, and as archetypes, ie the dynamic impulses of the soul that appear in various forms in the mythological characters, fantasies, dreams and collective myths. Imagination
rather than rationality
Intuition, among all this material, must make progress in understanding the deeper motivations, which will result in increased self-confidence and a knack for making good decisions .
To access the wealth of knowledge unconscious mind can get lost if you use the path of rationality. This serves to resolve practical issues is limited to managing well-known data and produces a type of knowledge that can be shared worldwide. Instead, the imagination itself is a suitable tool for intuition, as it generates a wisdom based on personal experiences. Only she can smoothly integrate the information with the wishes and feelings. The increased efficiency is achieved intuitively liberating the mind of the corset of reason and rules, opening to the subtle perceptions, speculations, hunches and ideas flow spontaneously.
A useful way to sprout intuitions is to make interpretations. In this sense, investigating the meaning of dreams often provide clues about the motivations and attitudes at a given time. Dreams, which can reveal the importance of data that had been missed, are to be interpreted password, without abusing the explanations, often topical, offering books and computer programs.
Although it may seem surprising, events that occur abroad are also interpretable from a personal standpoint. The intuition would be the tool to discover the deep connection between the physical world, apparently away from us, and our mind or individual life. Jung
reminded that if we reduce our physical body to its constituent chemical elements-carbon, oxygen, silicon, calcium ...- we can see completely assimilated with the surrounding material. In parallel, the deeper structures of mind are in continuity with a psychic reality would be the ultimate essence of all existence. So, if possible to know clearly the contents of the unconscious deeper possess a complete knowledge, not just a philosophical or intellectual, but practical and immediate: we would know where it is an object just by thinking about it and would know past and future.
The phenomenon of overlapping
Such wisdom seems unattainable, but intuition can perceive something of the interplay between external reality and our deep mind. This is demonstrated by the phenomenon of synchronicity . It is called this a common experience to recognize similarities between things happening in the outside world and inner thoughts. For example, a man is falling for a woman with an unusual name, Elisabeth, and within a few days you think of a series of coincidences: the beautiful star of a movie is named in a magazine is a visual poem which repeats the name several times and discovered one morning while shaving in the mirror that has the name embroidered on the chest of the pajamas that you just give ( camouflaged "Polo Club Elisenda" ).
Given such a situation, an intuition of disbelief released recognizes and interprets these matches and can find your message, be positive if they are related to good feelings and harmonized with deep beliefs and motivations, will be negative if they elicit discomfort and inner contradictions. The phenomena of synchronicity may give the impression that everything is written, that fate imposes on us, but the truth is that everyone can build its destination if it accepts the existence of a guiding intuition.
The key that opens many doors
The ability to interpret what happens around us is the foundation of divination and many popular beliefs. Thus, intuition finds fertile ground in the suggestions of a chart or in the palm of the hand, and equally ready to consider the signals in its path: the way of a passing cloud or pet discomfort and and warns that his master is about to get sick ... Another area where intuition can find meanings is the disease.
Not only research is the psychological origin of a health condition, a constant concern helps skin disorders, for example-but to find a sense of psychological problems whose origin is not easy to see. Someone who is forced to stay in hospital 20 days for a kidney complication can sense that I needed to pause and reflect on their attitude stressful at work, your lifestyle and relationships.
Cultivate a calm alertness, almost contemplative, to the internal and external perceptions can obtain useful and satisfying conclusions. Any doubts we may ask: how is it my intuition? If you trust your own intuitive power, its conclusions imposing themselves. The best way to ensure trust in intuition is to practice and experiment until we are convinced that success.
Why women are more intuitive The topic says that women have more insight ... and intuition to be true. These would be some reasons: ■ Women have been particularly responsible for the emotional stability of the family caring for children and have become experts in recognizing their needs even before they can talk. ■ The corpus callosum, the part of the brain that connects the hemispheres, thicker in women allows them to better combine logical thinking left hemisphere together with the right vision. ■ For centuries woman has been forced to limit their innate intuitive abilities as much as men, subject to the labor market rigidities. ■ A gene that may be related to the intuitive ability is only inherited by daughters. According to David Skuse, a woman has an innate ability, while the man must be improved. |
exercises to train the intuition born with a level of intuition that can grow or decrease depending on the use we make of it. These exercises help to increase: | |
1 - calm emotions is necessary to recognize the voice of intuition. There is a visualization exercise that can be of help: Imagine that a huge lake represents the emotional state and try to soothe the waters whenever we feel upset. | |
2 - SELF aware of To release the intuitive imagination of censorship of the conscience, which imposes opinions and prejudices, is useful to explain to a writer what he feels and thinks, letting the words flow and expressing many ideas and occurrences, that seem trivial things often come from somewhere and for some reason. Then you hear the recording to better understand their own mental and emotional processes. | |
3 - CONSULT THE I CHING This work ancient Chinese culture helps to resolve doubts. To review will throw three coins six times to obtain one of 64 possible figures. Each one describes a situation and gives advice to be scanned for a match with the question. The circulation of coins usually reflect the essential quality of time you are living. | |
4 - hazard a guess We ask a friend to write a question and not read it as saying comes to mind. So we train the ability to intuit from the gestures and attitudes of others. | |
5 - BED WITH A QUESTION question is performed before bedtime, without seeking a response from a consciente.Tal once in the morning we have the solution, since the brain reorganizes ideas during sleep. | |
6 - DECISIONS few minutes It reflects on the dilemma. Then let the thought flow for 24 hours without required answers. After the period, a decision is made with conviction and without a second thought. This exercise applies to matters of little consequence, until they are convinced that the intuition works. | |
7 - KEY ANSWERS Intuition does not always come in words: las imágenes y los símbolos son su lenguaje más común. Para comprenderlos se analizan los posibles significados en relación con los temas que nos preocupan, intentando sentir el más real para uno mismo. | |
8 - PEQUEÑOS EJERCICIOS COTIDIANOS Se trata, por ejemplo, de intentar adivinar quién está llamando por teléfono o a la puerta de casa. A lo largo del día se pueden plantear muchas preguntas e intentos de adivinación que entrenan la intuición. |
by Manolo Núñez and Claudine Navarro
Magazine CuerpoMente "N º 94
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