Thursday, February 3, 2011

Slogan For Mouth Wash

"There are many and various vicissitudes that go through in our relationship with others. Due to lack of knowledge we have of ourselves and therefore the others, almost always walk blindly, without understanding and without finding a solution to deep regarding the many problems we face. "

Nature of Death has a strange habit of appearing in romantic relationships at the very moment that we have found a suitable lover, that we have caught "a very big fish." It then floats to the surface the nature of life / Death / Life and paste a scare around the world. Arises when lovers make all sorts of equilibria and wonder why love will not "bear fruit" for any of the components of the couple. It then hides in a burrow in an effort to make himself invisible. "Invisible to your lover? No. Invisible to the Skeleton Woman. That is when they start careers and search for caches. But, as we shall see, there is no place to hide.
The rational psyche out fishing in the hope of a good piece and not only achieved but also gets a big scare I can barely stand it. Lovers have the feeling that something is chasing them. Sometimes they think it's the other one who pursues. But in reality, is the Skeleton Woman. At first, when we learn to truly love, misinterpret many things. We believe it is the other who persecute us when, in fact, what catches Skeleton Woman so that he can not escape from us is our intention to relate in a special way with another human being. Whenever love is born, rises to the surface the force of Life / Death / Life. Always.
Thus, the fisherman and the Skeleton Woman entangled with each other. Skeleton Woman While advances in fits and starts behind the terrified fisherman, began his early involvement in life gets appetite and eating dried fish. Later, when claims more lives, quenches your thirst with the tears of the fisherman.
This strange phenomenon occurs in all love relationships: the more you run the lover, the more it accelerates. When one of the components of the couple tries to escape from the relationship, it is paradoxically full of life. And the more life is created, the more it scares the fisherman. And the longer run, more life is created. The phenomenon is one of the tragi most essential of life.
A person who was in this situation dreamed she was a mistress whose soft body opened like a cupboard. Inside the cavity of his body was a bright, pulsating embryos, a few shelves daggers dripping blood-filled sacs of the first green of spring. The subject was perplexed, because it was a dream about the nature of life / Death / Life.
These glimpses inside the Skeleton Woman induce budding lovers take their fishing equipment and run at full speed in an attempt to bring the greatest possible distance between himself and the Skeleton Woman. This is vast, mysterious and dazzlingly numinous. From a psychological standpoint, stretches from horizon to horizon and from heaven to hell. It is so huge that it costs lots of hugs. And yet, it's no wonder people run to throw herself into his arms. What one fears is able to strengthen and heal.

phase of persecution and hiding is the period during which fans try to rationalize their fear of the cycles of life / Death / Life of love. They say "With someone else I will be better things," or "I will not give up ( fill up the blank )...", or" Do not want to change my life, "or" I do not deal with my wounds or those of another person "or" I'm still not ready "or" I will not be processed without first finding out in detail what I'll look / feel after. "
is a period in which the thoughts are all scrambled, which is desperately seeking a refuge and heart pounding, not because he loves and is loved but out of fear. Look to have been caught by the Lady of Death! Ay! What horror face to face with the force of Life / Death / Life! Double oh!
Some make the mistake of thinking that runs off of your relationship with your lover. Not so. No escape from love or from the pressures of the relationship. Try to leave behind the mysterious force of life / Death / Life. Psychology diagnosed this as "fear of intimacy, fear of commitment." But that are only symptoms. The deeper question is disbelief and distrust. Those who are always afraid of actually running away to live by cycles of nature wild and comprehensive.
Thus, Lady Death chases the man through the water and cross the frontier between the unconscious of the conscious mind. Conscious psyche realizes what has trapped and desperately tries to move on. We do constantly in our lives when something terrible. We do not pay attention and pulling it upward, believing that it is a big trophy. It is indeed a treasure, but not the kind that we had imagined. It is a treasure which, unfortunately, we have been taught to fear. And then try to run away or discard it or embellish it to look like what does not is. But it does not. In the end, we all have to kiss the old hag.
in love the same process occurs. We just want beauty, but eventually turn to evil. We try to fend off a push Skeleton Woman, but she continues. We ran and we continue. It is the great teacher who had always claimed to want. "But not this!" Cry when see us appear. We want another. Too bad. This is the masterpiece that touches us all.
There is a saying that when the student is ready, the teacher appears. Means that the interior master floats to the surface when the soul, not the ego, is prepared. The teacher has provided the flame soul ... fortunately, because the ego is never quite ready. If the teacher's appearance entirely at the ego, we would be life without a teacher. In this we are lucky, since the soul continues to transmit their wishes regardless perennially changing views of our egos.
When things get tangled romantic relationships and take on a frightening aspect, people fear that the end is near, but not well. Since this is an archetypal issue as Skeleton Woman plays the role of fate, the hero has to lose on the horizon, the Lady Death must occur immediately after, and the lover in training period has to go on all fours in his little hut, tilting and trusting in salvation. Skeleton Woman and has to follow within their safe haven. Then he has to unravel, and so on., Etc.
For modern lovers, the idea of \u200b\u200b"occupying space" is like the fisherman's igloo, where he believes he is safe. Sometimes this fear to face the nature of death is distorted into an "excuse" by which only the attempt to preserve, pleasant aspects of the relationship without having to face the Skeleton Woman. But that never works.
And it makes lovers who do not "occupy space" experience enormous anxiety because the woman would like to know Skeleton. We have prepared thoroughly, have been strengthened, are trying to hold off their fears. And now, just when they are about to unravel the mystery when one of them has a heart drumming and singing a hymn to life in common, the other part of the couple yells "Not yet still no "or" No, never. "
There is a difference between the need for solitude and renewal and the desire to "occupy a space" to avoid the necessary relationship with the Skeleton Woman. But this relationship, understood as acceptance of the nature of life / Death / Life and sharing with it, is the next step to strengthen its own capacity love. Those who engage in a relationship with her will become a lasting capacity to love. And no, not procured. There is no turning back.
All "I'm not ready", all "need time" are understandable, but only for a short period. The truth is that people never "fully prepared" and there is never a "right time." As with all decreases the unconscious, there comes a time when you simply rely on luck, cover your nose and jumps into the abyss. Otherwise, there would have been necessary to create the words heroin, a hero or courage.
The task of ascertaining the nature of life / Death / Life must be carried out. If it slows, Skeleton Woman plunges into the water but will rise again and again and will pursue again and again. This is your mission. And our mission is to learn. If one wants to love, there is no choice. Embrace the fact Skeleton Woman is a chore. Without a task that is challenging, there can be no transformation. Without a job, you can experience a real satisfaction. Amar pleasure requires very little effort. To truly love is to be a hero capable of overcoming one's fear.
is true that many people reach the stage of the "escape and cache." Unfortunately, some reach it again and again. The entrance of the burrow is filled with traces of those who have come hastily on all fours. But those who want to emulate really love the fisherman. They strive to light the fire and deal with the nature of life / Death / Life. Contemplate face to face what they fear and, paradoxically, they respond with conviction and wonder.


Clarissa Pinkola Estes
"Women Who Run with the Wolves "


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